Find and Compare Assisted Living Facilities
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Our nurse-led placement service is funded by our provider network, and is free of charge
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Assisted Living Communities come in all shapes and sizes and they all have the same goal: Happy, healthy Seniors!
Knowing which community is best for your health and budget can be overwhelming. It’s important to talk with someone who really knows the facilities in your area and has experience with the health issues you face.
Knowing who you’re talking to for senior care advice is important. At Care Connections, we have experienced local senior care nurses who can advise you on the best choice of a community based on your health diagnoses, goals and budget.
The advantages of a local senior nurse advisor include:
- Experience working in senior care: sometimes in the very facilities you may be considering
- Knowledge of state regulations and restrictions for admission and discharge
- Knows what communities are looking for in future residents
- Give recommendations on other community resources that contributes to a successful placement
- Understands the unique physical and emotional stress of senior transitions.
- Patient and empathetic listener
- Laser focused on what is best in the short and long term interest of every senior they advise
- Insight and knowledge that can only come with nursing experience
- Often well connected to the healthcare community in general to have a “pulse” on the latest information
Seniors often equate “Assisted Living Communities” with “Nursing Homes” from the past with their parents or grandparents and that’s not the case. Today, assisted living communities are nice, beautiful, fun places to spend time with seniors who are not bedbound and more independent.
- Assisted living provides the following:
- 3 meals a day and snacks
- Housekeeping
- Laundry, including clothes and linens
- Social activities
- Medication management
- Assistance with dressing, bathing, transferring, mobility if needed
- Supervision, a caregiver available at the touch of a button 24 hrs a day
- Transportation coordination
- Safety
Often, spouses or children feel guilt or mixed emotions about placing their loved one in an assisted living community. Lots of time these negative feelings come from the desire to do what’s best for the senior in their life. It’s a fine line to walk between fostering independence and making sure their needs are met; Honoring their wishes and not allowing self-neglect. Can they manage safely at home or would it be safer in an assisted living community. It’s not always a straightforward answer. Whether you’re trying to decide if the time is right for a transition to a community or there’s no doubt the time is here, Boise Care Connections can help you through all the mixed emotions and stress of senior care. You’re not alone and we are here to help. Take advantage of years of senior healthcare experience and knowledge in one easy call.

"Of course without you it would have taken me forever! You helped me find the best of the best for our budget. Also, you went out of your way to meet w my mom to see her level of need and what she might appreciate. Thank you."
Rose from San Fransisco
"Charity has been a huge blessing to our family! We spent hours calling numerous facilities and had a very difficult time finding a place for my father-in-law. Charity was able to find us several options within a matter of a couple of days that fit our needs. She went above and beyond for our family, staying in constant communication with us and offering valuable resources and suggestions along the way. We are so grateful for the amount of time and energy she invested into helping us through this process."